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Home > List of cichlid diseases and cures for common African cichlid diseases

List of cichlid diseases and cures for common African cichlid diseases

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There are numerous cichlid diseases which occur in the hobby and this can be attributed to a host of reasons. Below is a list of cichlid diseases which are most common and easily manageable when detected early in the process. In particular diseases can simply be a result of purchasing sick fish and bringing them home.
Some disease may not be so obvious to the naked eye. Other reasons include feeding live foods whether they are prepared foods like live blood worms or feeder goldfish. And other possibilities include environmental factors such as overfeeding or infrequent water changes, things like ammonia generated from these examples lead to infections.
Utilizing the short list below will aid in identifying and managing these cichlid diseases with the appropriate cichlid medications available and used my most hobbyists.

List of cichlid diseases and how to treat the 5 most common 

Malawi Bloat
Fin Rot

List of cichlid cures and treatments

Dropsy and Malawi bloat cure

Symptoms: Fish are bloated in appearance; the scales are raised, and there is typical loss of body coloration.
Treatment: Malawi Bloat is the nickname for Dropsy a disease that is misinterpreted because a symptom of either a bacterial infection or due to malnutrition potentially. Some known strategies include improving the quality of the food and the water quality thru water changes. This is assumed you catch this very early and bloating is simple to spot visually. In advanced stages administer medication and prior to administering medication its best to remove carbon from the filters. Read more about Mardel Clout fish medication.

Ich and cichlid ick cure

Symptoms: This has to be the first disease most hobbyists experience and is the most recognizable. Ich is essentially lots of small white spots appearing on the fins and body of your fish, the appearance of ich resembles simple table salt. Prior to administering medication its best to remove carbon from the filters.
Treatment: As a very common cichlid fish disease, ich medication is readily available. Most cases of ich are attributed to poor water conditions or quality. A good rule to follow is to keep fish in a quarantine tank for a brief period before introducing them to their destination aquarium. This will result in lower cost of medications and limiting the treatment of sick fish. Managing ich involves removing any carbon filtration before introducing medication and raising the temperature to 80 degrees to accelerate the cycle time of the parasite. Prior to administering medication its best to remove carbon from the filters. Read more about Mardel Quick Cure.
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Fin Rot and cichlid fin rot treatment

Symptoms: Fin rot is attributed to poor water quality or a result from fin biting from other fish. Bacteria is typically the cause of the infection and it is marked by rotting fins and lethargic fish and loss of appetite.

Treatment: While all diseases should be treated with respect, fin rot treatment should be treated as soon as possible and with diligence because this disease can progress rapidly resulting in mortality. Bacterial disease is known to destroy fish tissue and fins. Prior to administering medication its best to remove carbon from the filters. Read more about API Melafix antibacterial fish remedy.
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Fungus and cichlid fungus treatment and cure

Symptom: Fungus is a disease which has the appearance of cotton or cotton like growths on the body. And fungal disease is known to either appear white or gray in coloration.

Treatment: Cichlid fungus is probably the easiest disease to recognize next to ich because of the cotton like growths. This disease is relatively easy to treat early and it would be uncommon to not notice the cotton growths and allow them to spread. Prior to administering medication its best to remove carbon from the filters. Read more about API Pemafix use.
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Cichlid Hole in head treatment (HITH)

Symptoms: HITH disease is easy to recognize and is the most disfiguring to cichlid fish. This disease is also known as Hexamita. It begins as small holes on the head of the fish near and around eyes and cheeks. If left untreated these holes increase in size and become craters and they can become deep craters. This disease is thought be a result of poor nutrition, poor water quality and possibly the use of activated carbon over a long period of time.
Treatment: HITH caught early should include proper water changes, good filtration and good foods. Further offering HITH treatment in combination with the above mentioned strategies should stop and or reduce the initial holes. This is a terrible disfiguring disease and should not be left untreated. Prior to administering medication its best to remove carbon from the filters. Read more about Mardel Clout fish medication.
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