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Home > Corydoras sterbai for Sale from Rio Guapore Brazil

Corydoras sterbai for Sale from Rio Guapore Brazil

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Sterba Corydoras
Corydoras sterbai is the most recognizable species of Corydoras and attractively marked. This species is named in honor of Dr. Gunther Sterba, professor emeritus of zoology of Leipzig University. Sterba’s Corydoras is identifiable by its white spots on its head from the eyes following towards the snout. Sterba’s Cory will eagerly accept a variety of prepared foods in the aquarium. Typical foods include flakes, sinking catfish pellets, freeze dried foods as well as live food. One of their favorites is bloodworm and mosquito larvae but should be offered as a treat due to its high protein value.
These catfish enjoy shoaling so like many other species in this genus its best to keep four to six individuals together. In terms of aquarium husbandry this catfish is hardy in the aquarium and can thrive with a temperature range between 75 to 82 degrees and a pH range of 6.0 – 7.6 respectively. It is certainly fun to watch them scavenge for leftover food and detritus from the substrate. They will appreciate sand or fine substrate gravel in the aquarium for this purpose.
Housing C. sterbi is typical of most Corydoras species. A longer aquarium to allow them to shoal, ample hiding places are welcomed. Hobbyists use PVC, flowerpots, coconuts shells to create small caves for hiding. Driftwood is also a nice addition to the tank. This species is peaceful and can be housed with dwarf cichlids like Apistograma species or tropical fish like common tetras.
Regarding Albino Corydoras species, through in line breeding an Albino variety of Sterba’s Corydoras was developed for the aquarium trade. The appearance is a pale pink coloration with orange tones and red eyes. This is ideally one of the best catfish for the beginner and even the advanced hobbyist, certainly another classic cory catfish.
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